
CloudFerro Kubernetes as a Service provides container orchestration solution smoothly integrated with the cloud environment. Kubernetes enables fast deployment of production-grade, highly scalable applications, systems and workloads. This allows to reduce both the infrastructure and development costs. Data scientists can also benefit from Kubernetes on CloudFerro clouds to run complex workflows, with integrated EO data access.

What do you pay for:

  • You pay for the machines used to run the cluster
  • There is no additional cost for setting up running the cluster
  • Full-scope, fast EODATA access is free

What we provide:

  • Complete platform for deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters, using both GUI and CLI
  • Native integration with cloud storage and networking for cloud-native Kubernetes service and workload deployments
  • Autoscaling
  • Several options for ensuring High Availability of required components
  • Autohealer
  • Integration with our data repositories
  • You get full administration control of VMs that run the cluster
  • Integration with OpenStack keystone to cover authentication and authorization use cases

Cluster Autoscaler

The cluster autoscaler expands the capability of Horizontal Pod Auto-Scaler available in Kubernetes. Cluster auto-scaler can automatically increase or decrease the number of worker nodes based on the sizing needs of the scheduled workloads. The cluster auto-scaler periodically scans the cluster to adjust the number of worker nodes in response to workload resource requests. By default the scaling is performed on any node group with the role "worker" and the maximum node count parameter set.

Cluster Autohealer

The cluster autohealer in CloudFerro clouds is another component to complement the Kubernetes-native capabilities and provision a fully self-healing Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes as a platform can detect issues with application pods and redeploy them if necessary, but cannot replace unhealthy nodes when problems arise. This is where autohealer steps in. Autohealer constantly monitor status of Kubernetes cluster by checking status of nodes and API. If any problem arise, autohealer will replace unhealthy node with the new server.

Integrated Networking and Storage

CloudFerro Kubernetes as a Service provides container orchestration natively integrated with the cloud infrastructure. Services set up on CloudFerro Kubernetes clusters can be exposed using the cloud LoadBalancers and get provisioned with automatically assigned public floating IP, either directly or using Kubernetes ingress. Cloud storage can also be provisioned automatically utilizing Persistent Volumes via available Storage Classes, either HDD or SSD.

Validated with large-scale Earth Observation and Science workloads

Earth Observation and Science domains are first-class citizens for our Kubernetes as a Service offering. We utilize our learnings from running own large-scale EO processing workloads to optimize our K8s offering to this type of use cases. Refer to our knowledge base articles to browse our starter guides  for setting up popular services e.g. JupyterHub, Argo Workflows and others.


You can run Kubernetes on WAW3-1, WAW3-2 and FRA1-2 clouds, which have Kubernetes support built-in (OpenStack Magnum module).


The Containers billing depends on the billing of the underlying infrastructure. The VMs creating a cluster are billed as described in the section on VMs.