Elastic Cloud Servers (VMs)

Open Telekom Cloud operates two independent public cloud regions in Germany and the Netherlands. All public cloud instances have the same level of access to EODATA. In each cloud user can run similar services but they may have different prices depending on instance location.

With the help of virtual machines (VM) from the cloud, you can book server capacities quickly and flexibly via the Internet. We have combined our broad portfolio of VM variants – so-called flavors – for you in our Elastic Cloud Server portfolio. You determine specifications such as the desired operating system or service duration. Since hardware components such as RAM and CPUs are emulated virtually, you can combine them freely according to your wishes. The result are flavors that are perfectly tailored to your needs. The Open Telekom Cloud uses Intel CPUs and KVM as a hypervisor to provide virtual machines in a several classes via the ECS offering. These cover all possible use cases.

Classes of VM services available are general purpose, dedicated general purpose, memory-optimized, large memory, disk-intensive, and high-performance computing describing various ratio of vCPU and RAM plus specific features of the flavors. VMs are available from 1 vCPU up to 64 vCPUs and from 1 GB zu 540 GB RAM. Large memory VMs even provide up to 208 vCPUs and 2932 GB of RAM. Intranet Bandwith bandwidth is between 8 and 40 GB/s. Additionally, Bare Metal Servers are available. In April 2023, Open Telekom Cloud introduced Confidential Computing based on Bare Metal. A containerized version will be launched end of 2023.

VMs are accompanied by a host of different operating systems for the CPUs like Windows, Open Linux, Oracle Linux, RedHat Linux, SUSE Linux, and many more.  All machines can be accessed via the Open Telekom Cloud console and are available in an elastic (usage-based) and reserved (discounted long-term usage) price model.

More specifications on the available images can be found on our website (https://open-telekom-cloud.com/en/products-services/core-services ).