Remote Transfer for EODATA
Remote Transfer for EODATAPrice (€)
*price per 1 TB37,00

*The price is calculated based on the data transfer used

Product Generation as a Service
Generated ProductBilling unitPrice (€)
Type of processorper product*
Sentinel-1 CARD-BS1 tile0,41
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH61 tile1,45
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH121 tile1,45
Sentinel-1 CARD-COG1 tile0,07
Sentinel-2 sen2cor L2A1 tile0,12
Sentinel-2: Resolution Enhancer1 square kilometer0,95

*To calculate the amount of your order, use our search engine, specify the area you are interested in, select the data set corresponding to your processor and search for the product. In the next step, please contact our sales department.

All prices are in EUR, excluding VAT.
Prices for monthly, semi-annual and annual periods are on a fixed (long-term) monthly cycle.
Pay-per-use model prices are billed on an hourly basis