We are pleased to invite you to attend a webinar where you will learn how to get started with CloudFerro cloud on CREODIAS platform.

We will show you step by step how to start using CloudFerro cloud resources, from setting up an account, to creating a cloud project, and a Virtual Machine, to managing VMs and volumes.

During the event, we will give you practical tips that will speed up your work with cloud resources. This online session will be followed by subsequent webinars that will demonstrate other technical components of CREODIAS in a practical way.

WHEN: Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 14:00-15:00 CEST
DURATION: 60 minutes

> This webinar is for you, if:

  • you are using Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem and need computing power to process Earth Observation data
  • you are starting your journey with CREODIAS – looking for a platform that provides an easy and immediate access to Earth Observation data, together with cloud computing for its processing
  • you are looking for technical advice on how to get started with CloudFerro cloud on CREODIAS

> What you will learn:

  • How to set up Virtual Machines and storage Volumes on CREODIAS, and how to use them together
  • How to use Volumes
  • How to set up desktop environment on Virtual Machines, and access it


  1. Introduction - Marcin Białecki, Product Manager, CloudFerro
  2. Technical presentation - Mateusz Ślaski, Sales - Technical Support Engineer, CloudFerro
    • General preparation (how to setup an account and create a cloud project)
    • Virtual Machines (creation, connecting and management)
    • Volumes and Virtual Machines (creating and attaching volumes on Linux)
    • Volumes Management (snapshots, backups)
  3. Q&A session


Marcin Białecki, Product Manager, CloudFerro

Marcin is responsible for supporting customers in implementation of cloud & Earth Observation data services within CREODIAS platform. Marcin is engaging in numerous initiatives related to cooperation of European companies and institutions, such as ESA,EC,JRC.

Mateusz Ślaski, Sales - Technical Support Engineer, CloudFerro

Mateusz is responsible for supporting potential customers in using the CloudFerro infrastructure, and testing CloudFerro resources. He also participates in the implementation of proof of concept projects.

We are pleased to invite you to attend a webinar „Introduction to CREODIAS 2.0 - the first commercial element of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem". From the webinar you will learn how to use the new CREODIAS capabilities that make the platform a unique environment for creating and scaling commercial services using Copernicus data.

CREODIAS provides commercial services for Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, offered by a Consortium consisting of T-Systems as a leader, CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, DLR, ACRI-ST, and RHEA.  The platform provides immediate access to the Copernicus Sentinel satellites data and Services, Envisat and ESA/Landsat data and other EODATA.

Its design allows Third Party Users to prototype and build their own value-added services and products. A set of pertinent tools guarantees simplicity, scalability and repeatability of any services’ value chain. CREODIAS offers integrated public cloud services for data processing and serverless processing.

During the webinar, we will present the new version of the CREODIAS platform that offers even more capacity and scalability for users' projects, free services and tools based on EO Data, and commercial services.

WHEN: Thursday, 19th October, 14:00 - 15.30 CEST

DURATION: 90 min


  1. CREODIAS as a first commercial element of Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem – Jan Musiał, CloudFerro
  2. New features of CREODIAS 2.0 – Jan Musiał, CloudFerro
  3. Free credits for pre -commercial exploitation & research - Jan Musiał, CloudFerro
  4. EODATA repository – Jan Musiał, CloudFerro
  5. Commercial services of CREODIAS
    • CloudFerro WAW3 Cloud services - Jan Musiał, CloudFerro
    • Open Telecom Cloud services - Uwe Marquard, T-Systems
    • Sentinel Hub - on-the-fly processing service for satellite data - Andras Zlinszky, Sinergise
    • openEO - programming libraries to process a wide variety of EO datasets – Pratichhya Sharma, VITO
  6. Use cases for different user groups
    • For scientists: CREODIAS meets science – air quality monitoring using EO data – Patryk Grzybowski, CloudFerro
    • For service providers: Yield Prediction by Satellite - Uwe Marquard, T-Systems
    • For public administration: CAP monitoring with Sentinel Hub – Andras Zlinszky, Sinergise
    • For startups: openEO Algorithm Plaza: A One-Stop-Shop for EO Solutions - Pratichhya Sharma, VITO
  7. Q&A session


  • you are looking for a platform that provides an easy access to Earth Observation data, together with Earth Observation focused applications for data access and processing
  • you are a current CREODIAS user who wishes to use the platform’s full functionality and potential
  • you are a user of Copernicus Open Access Hub, seeking a more advanced functionality for Earth Observation data processing


  • what are the new CREODIAS capabilities
  • what to pay attention to when using cloud resources
  • what you can find in the CREODIAS knowledge base and how to look for support
  • how the platform services and tools can be applied by different user groups - on the basis of use cases


Patryk Grzybowski, CloudFerro

Patryk works in CloudFerro Data Science. He is responsible for developing tools for automation of data collection, analysis and verifying its completeness. He is also involved in conducting trainings and providing EO-data related use cases.  He is a great enthusiast of popularization of EO data. Patryk is a PhD candidate at University of Warsaw – his main area of interests are air quality and meteorology.

Uwe Marquard, T-Systems

Uwe Marquard has been working as key account manager in public sector business for more than 10 years, being responsible for space programs like Copernicus and Galileo. As appointed service manager he is responsible for managing the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem contract with ESA. He has also been involved in setting up the Mundi DIAS based on Open Telekom Cloud.   

dr Jan Musiał, CloudFerro

Dr Jan Musial specializes in application of satellite imagery in various environmental analyses such as: agriculture monitoring, cloud masking, soil moisture retrieval and climate change. He received Master of Arts diploma from the Inter-Faculty Studies in Environmental Protection at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Currently, Jan works as a Senior Data Scientist at the CloudFerro company which develops and operates large cloud computing infrastructures combined with a massive EO Data repository.

Pratichhya Sharma, VITO

Pratichhya, a Geomatics Engineering graduate from Nepal, joined the VITO Remote Sensing team in 2022 as a Researcher. Her work introduced her to openEO and Terrascope EOplaza, which has later evolved to openEO Algorithm Plaza within the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Project. This experience deepened her interest, and she now actively participates in openEO workshops and training.

Andras Zlinszky, Sinergise

Andras is a PhD in Ecology and Conservation Biology, who is using satellite data for more than a decade for his research, work, and, most importantly, raising awareness of various environment-related issues. As a community evangelist, his role is to communicate with the widest public on how useful the EO data are, and how they can be used in the best possible manner. Twitter: @azlinszky