Since the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem was launched in January 2023, it has served huge amount of satellite data from the Copernicus Earth Observation programme. In October 2023 the platform became ESA’s first and main distribution site for Sentinel-1, 2, 3 and 5P data. A recently published dashboard shows which EO data from the Copernicus programme are the most popular among its users.

Source: (as of 30 Jan 2024)

Since the launch until today, over 145,000 users have registered to the system. So far, the users have downloaded more than 20 PetaBytes of satellite data from 64 PB of Sentinel products published.

Not only the number of Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem users and products are impressive. Let’s take a look at the performance of the IT infrastructure serving the data to users all over the world. The measured average download speed exceeds 90 MB/s, and the average time to wait for a response from the data catalogue is below 700 ms. This are strong results especially in relation the number of published products that exceeds 100 million, and is growing at a rate of 2 million products (~950 TB) per month. Only in December 2023, users displayed satellite images 31 million times.

Looking at individual missions, by far the most popular is the Sentinel-2 data, with more than 238 million downloaded products totalling 16PB (82% of all downloads). The total number of products available to the user is 66.52 M, and the entire collection occupies 35.3 PB, taking into account the already partly available ESA reprocessing data (Collection 1).

Sentinel-3 is a runner-up in terms of the number of products downloaded is, with 6 M products downloaded with a total size of more than 3.6 PB. The entire mission consists of more than 17 M products with a total size of more than 5 PB.

Considering the size of products downloaded, Sentinel-1 (3.5 M products, 5.1 PB) takes the second place. The total number of products available is 10.8 M with a total size of 20.8 PB. Sentinel-5P data was downloaded almost 2 M times, and the size of the transferred files exceeded 750 TB. A total of 4.2 M products are available, 1.7 PB of data.

Regularly updated data are available on the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem panel that you can check out on

You are welcome to submit your abstract for the session we are co-organizing „New opportunities and insights from Copernicus satellite imagery open data infrastructures.

This session aims to connect developers and users to explore the technical aspects and opportunities of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, emphasizing practical use cases and ongoing projects in geoscience research and development. User perspective is very valuable and all the ideas shared will help build the recently launched Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem that we proudly contribute to. Deadline for abstracts: January 10, 2024.

Not sure how to submit an abstract for EGU2024? See useful guidelines.

EGU General Assembly is one of the most prestigious events in the EO sector attracting over 19,000 participants from 120+ countries! It is organised by European Geosciences Union (EGU)  - an international union of scientists with about 19,500 members from all over the world.

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem has become the primary source of Earth Observation data from the Copernicus space programme in November 2023. Since the kick-off in January 2023, the number of users has grown significantly, reaching 95 000 in mid-December. The users come from worldwide Earth Observation communities, including science, universities and the general public.

As of now, the priority was set to provide access to the user-level EO datasets, which were enriched recently with new data, including Auxiliary, Engineering and POD type, which are mainly accessible to expert users only. In addition, the new Sentinel-2 Quarterly Mosaics are available on the Copernicus Browser in the Visualize panel, providing the ability to view the EO data in a very user-friendly manner, with zooming and 3D options available. This is a significant change compared to the legacy service, bringing the new service to the level of top-performing EO services worldwide.

All services available on the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem are free of charge, enabling the execution of most use cases. Any user whose needs exceed the capacity and quotas on Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is welcome to log in with a federated identity on CREODIAS to access a broader set of services or on a larger scale.

In parallel to the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, we gradually enrich the offering of other services provided on CREODIAS, to develop the European EO ecosystem that is accessible to all users at any scale.

Without resting on the laurels, the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem roadmap of new services for the New Year is impressive. It includes On-Demand Production for Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3 products, further development of STAC API, delivery of Sentinel-1 bursts and the integration of Copernicus Contributing Missions datasets. All mentioned services will be gradually available from the first quarter of 2024. The above is just a snapshot of features and enrichments that are in development at this moment.

Kubernetes clusters can be provisioned on WAW3-2 cloud via OpenStack Magnum, in a platform as a service model. We have now added the capability of provisioning master nodes of these clusters with fast NVMe storage. Thus, the etcd key-value store is deployed and accessible with low latency.

This scenario is especially relevant for data-intensive applications on clusters with high load and multiple K8s resources to ensure robust operations. To apply the feature, create a cluster with HMAD flavor master nodes, and add a relevant label during cluster creation in the Horizon GUI.

Check out the knowledge base article to find out more.