28th March 2023

AI-based satellite image enhancer and mosaicking tools

Satellite imagery forms the input for the creation of many information products and services, such as land cover maps or high-resolution layers of land cover characteristics. EOfactory has made it possible to perform mosaicking of multiple images automatically, vastly reducing the manual labor required to ensure the images fit together precisely geometrically. Built-in color balancing tool helps to give seamless stitching even if the sub-datasets are different from dates and different radiometric resolutions.

10th October 2022

Species classification of forests

A forest is a dynamic and complex ecosystem. Dynamic – because it changes over time, complex – because we are talking about its vertical and horizontal structure. Proper forest management and protection requires detailed information, preferably information about the species/species groups of the trees. Information about the species, and additionally e.g. age/height of the trees is a set of information that can tell specialists a lot. On this basis, it is possible, for example, to determine the extent of ecosystem services that a particular forest can provide, it can say something about the size of the tree population or allow conclusions to be drawn about the stability of the forest.

7th October 2022

AgroTech project as an example of how CREODIAS can be used for food and environmental research

CloudFerro together with the QED Software team is working on a Research & Development project AgroTech to test and review its cloud capabilities for agriculture-related applications. After 1 year of collaboration on the project, we would like to share our main thoughts about implementing solutions for agriculture on CREODIAS.

7th October 2022

Satellite remote sensing analysis of the forest

In order to talk about remote sensing analyses of the forest, we must first define what a forest is. We encounter the first problem here as the definition of the forest is not uniform. There are more than two hundred definitions of this word worldwide, which, of course, complicates the matter as the spatial scale of the analyses increases, and at the same time, it means that remote sensing data can sometimes be used in a limited way. 

22nd September 2022

Enabling AI / ML workflows with CREODIAS vGPUs

Machine Learning presents an attractive opportunity for supplementing or substituting traditional methods of data processing, including Earth Observation data. Training and tuning ML models are most efficient with a quick feedback loop on the training results. That is where GPUs show their great performance advantage over running the training on regular CPUs.

12th August 2022

Satellite - based Urban Heat Island mapping on CREODIAS  

Spatial transformations and an increased share of imperviousness surfaces make cities the places with the most intense impact on the microclimate. The temperature difference can be as high as 10 degrees Celsius compared to undeveloped rural areas. The CREODIAS platform provides data and all necessary tools to better explore spatial relations that help map and prevent the negative effects of the urban heat island phenomenon.

8th August 2022

CREODIAS for emergency fire management

Wildfires are one of the greatest threats to the ecosystems and the potential losses cover all its elements: wildfires affect soil cover, vegetation, fauna mortality, and the atmosphere, releasing greenhouse gases that affect the composition and its functioning, but also wildfires are a threat to human life and the economy, especially in places where the occurrence of wildfires is not a typical phenomenon. 

20th July 2022

Old but gold - historical EO data immediately available and widely used on CREODIAS

The availability of Earth observation data supports research conducted by scientists from around the world. In that matter, access to historical EO data is particularly invaluable. It provides better knowledge and understanding of the processes affecting our planet, not mentioning the significant impact it has on the direction of the downstream space technology market. Considering the vast and constantly growing amount of data it is crucial to utilize technologies that make researching and analyzing these data faster. This is where the ESA’s CREODIAS platform comes to play.

23rd May 2022

Meteorological data usage on the CREODIAS platform

Atmosphere monitoring and weather forecasting have always been an important area of research, but nowadays it is attracting growing attention largely due to the availability of advanced technologies. An increasing amount of data, easy access to computing power and scalable cloud solutions with Interactive Development Environment (like Jupyter Notebook) make complex analysis more accessible and lower entry barriers