Advanced data processors on CREODIAS
There are different levels of processing of satellite data available on CREODIAS. All the data is ready to use for further analysis but to make it faster and easier for the user, CloudFerro offers Product Generation as a Service (PGaaS) or Processing as a Service (PaaS) for the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery. PaaS is a special service for demanding users who need a large scale, fast and professional data delivery.
CREODIAS Finder application provides registered users with an opportunity to order the special data in the PaaS mode. In general, DIAS-es provide only specific types of data with a specific level of processing. This range is enough for a typical analysis or application. Data analysts and remote sensing specialists can proceed them to achieve the goals of their projects. Nevertheless, CREODIAS tools can make this process even easier saving the users their time and resources for calculating advanced products.
There are several processors available:
- Sentinel-1 CARD-BS terrain-corrected backscatter
- Sentinel-1 CARD-COH6 interferometric coherence
- Sentinel-1 CARD-COH12 interferometric coherence
- Sentinel-1 COG Cloud-Optimised Geotiff
- Sentinel-2 L2A sen2cor surface reflectance with sen2cor processor.
Sentinel-1 L2 BackScatter (BS) is a processor that provides users with a professional terrain correction of satellite imagery. It is a good base for further analyses of single cases. This kind of geometric activity makes it possible to provide measurements based on the output product and is an important step for any further thematic analysis, for example for planning a new road in the mountains or monitoring mining areas.
Sentinel-1 CARD-BS:
Input: S-1 Level-1
Output: S-1 Level-2 terrain corrected backscatter data
Units: Gamma 0 for both VH and VV polarisations
Software: SNAP
Output format: DIMAP
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH6 produces Sentinel-1 Level-2 interferometric coherence data. The coherence between two acquisitions – one before and the other one after the change – can affect the phase and the amplitude of the Sentinel-1 imagery. That is why, even a small land cover or land use change can be detected. Therefore, Sentinel-1 CARD-COH6 is a popular solution for tracking seasonal changes as well as sudden surface disturbances, for example earthquakes, slides or storms.
The afore mentioned S-1 CARD-COH6 products capabilities are also used in agriculture. A few days repetition and independence from cloud cover enable tracking not only crop types or changes, but also grassland moving dates and agrotechnical practices occurrence such as ploughing. Sen4CAP application is a ready solution which can calculate all these parameters automatically in CREODIAS image. Another example of application, possible to implement is the "CAP Checks by Monitoring” (CbM), introduced by Joint Research Centre..
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH6:
Input: S-1 6-day temporal baseline for both VH and VV polarisations
Output: S-1 Level-2 interferometric coherence data
Software: SNAP
Output format: GeoTiff
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH12 works similar to Sentilel-1 CARD-COH6, the only difference is a 12-day coherence cycle.
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH12:
Input: S-1 12-day temporal baseline for both VH and VV polarisations
Output: S-1 Level-2 interferometric coherence data
Software: SNAP
Output format: GeoTiff
Sentinel-1 COG Cloud-Optimised Geotiff is an alternative product format for Sentinel-1 GRD. It is considered as more efficient and a better structured. COG has a layered and tiled structure that enables a much more efficient processing and faster access to the specific parts of the scene.
COG products can be generated on demand for any place on Earth and for any chosen time as a PaaS order. Nevertheless CREODIAS is providing a 30 day rolling archive of these products with new data added continuously along with standard GRD delivered by ESA. A ready archive can be accessed through our search GUI and API (CREODIAS Finder).
Sentinel-1 COG:
Input: Sentinel-1 GRD
Output: Cloud-Opimised Geotiff
Sentinel-2 L2A sen2cor processor generates a surface reflectance product. It converts Sentinel-2 L1C data to atmospherically corrected L2A data. From top-of-atmosphere to bottom-of-atmosphere true surface reflectance values. L2A products allow detailed spectral analysis of surface elements properties e.g. vegetation condition, soil status, durable surfaces characteristic, geological or cryosphere analysis.
The most actual S-2 L2A data is available on CREODIAS. It is mostly for European coverage and it is kept in rolling cache of 1 PB. Oldest data is removed when cache is full. For other instances, user can order processing generation service.
Sentinel-2 L2A sen2cor:
Input: Sentinel-2 L1C
Output: Sentinel-2 L2A
Image below: Example of sen2core processor - Corfu Island before (L1C) and after atmospheric correction (L2A)

There are two modes for data ordering: best effort and premium.
The best effort scenario is free of charge, but there is no guarantee of completion in a short time, and it is dependent on the current queue. Several images can be generated in one or two days, but in order to proceed hundreds of imagery items, the premium mode is preferable.
The premium service gives the user a guarantee of timeframe and an opportunity to negotiate individual processing conditions. The table below presents a current price list. To arrange the details, please contact our sales department at
Product Generation as a Service | One time fee |
Type of processor | per product* |
Sentinel-1 CARD-BS | 0,41 |
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH6 | 1,45 |
Sentinel-1 CARD-COH12 | 1,45 |
Sentinel-1 COG | 0,07 |
Sentinel-2 sen2cor L2A | 0,12 |
PaaS services offered by CloudFerro make spatial analysis more convenient. The Advanced processing technology is now available for anyone and for any application. The solution comes from processing options.Each processor is developed for some purposes, increasing informative and use value of our data. In CREODIAS each user have a choice about level of processing wider than in a standard Copernicus repository.The orderding script can now be downloaded - ready to instal on your VM. If you need a priority mode, please contact us and send the number of your order and VM.
Author: Sylwia Nasiłowska (PhD), Project Manager, CloudFerro